Do you have a chipped, cracked, or discolored tooth? A cosmetic dental procedure called dental bonding can instill the confidence you need to flash your pearly whites. Dental bonding is a process where your dentist applies a tooth-colored composite resin to one or more of your teeth to repair damages.
Dental bonding in Farmington, NY, is a cost-effective solution because it is considerably inexpensive than other dental procedures like dental crowns veneers. This article makes you aware of this process besides the risks and costs associated with dental bonding.
Dental bonding fixes defects and imperfections within a tooth. For example, some people use the bonding procedure to repair decayed, discolored, or cracked tooth. Dental bonding also helps close negligible gaps between the teeth.
The bonding process can augment the size of a tooth. For example, if you have a tooth shorter than the rest and want them all to have similar lengths, dental bonding is the procedure for you. Generally, dental bonding requires 30 to 60 minutes per tooth, although some appointments may require more time depending on the extent of the process.
The bonding process is swift and doesn’t need any downtime. If you don’t need anesthesia, you can continue with your regular activities after getting your teeth bonded.
Schedule your appointment today and say goodbye to cracked teeth!
Compared to other cosmetic dental procedures, teeth bonding is relatively simple, and the process doesn’t require anesthesia unless you have a cavity to fill. Multiple dental appointments are also not required.
When starting the process, the dentist in Farmington, NY uses a shade guide to select the composite resin color closely matching the color of your natural teeth. After that, the dentist roughens your tooth surface and applies an etching liquid that helps the bonding agent adhere to the tooth.
Finally, the dentist applies the composite resin over the etching solution and shapes that tooth. The material is hardened with ultraviolet light. If required, your dentist can further shape the tooth after hardening the resin.
The prices for dental bonding vary according to your location, the extent of the procedure, and your dentist’s expertise. However, you can expect to pay about $ 300-$ 600 per tooth and prepare yourself for getting replacements every five to ten years. Dental bonding is considered a cosmetic procedure and not supported by dental insurance, which won’t cover the costs.
Dental bonding doesn’t require any preparation besides presenting yourself at the dentist’s office. However, you must consult with the dentist to determine whether you are a candidate for this process. You might not be suitable for dental bonding if you have severe tooth damage or decay. Therefore while you can fix minor cracks on your teeth, severe cracks might need a dental crown or veneers.
No significant risks are associated with dental bonding. However, you must remember the composite resin used in this process is not durable as your natural teeth. Therefore, it is possible for the bonding material to chip and separate from your teeth which isn’t a familiar occurrence with crowns, veneers, or fillings.
If you frequently chew on ice, pens, pencils or bite your fingernails and hard food or candy, you might chip the bonded tooth. In addition, the composite resin isn’t stain-resistant like other dental materials. Therefore you might develop discoloration if you smoke or drink plenty of coffee.
If you care for your teeth appropriately, you can prolong the life of your bonded teeth. To succeed in your goal, you must brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once. Avoiding hard food and candy is recommended by dentists besides leaving your fingernails alone. You must also avoid coffee, tea, and tobacco for the initial 48 hours after getting your teeth bonded to prevent staining. Six monthly dental appointments for cleanings are essential. If you accidentally chip or break the bonding material or feel any sharp edges after the procedure, contact the dentist near you for assistance.
Repairing a tooth with minor cracks is possible with dental bonding. However, if you have a severely cracked tooth, the dentist might recommend dental crowns or veneers to restore your tooth instead of dental bonding.
Mark DiMartino, DDS, provides dental bonding in Farmington. If you want to fix your cracked tooth, you receive sufficient help from the dentist to restore your teeth.
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